Sunday, February 10, 2013

Under Construction...

So, while stuck on bed rest until further notice, I have been able to do some things that normally I do not get to indulge in.  I have read book upon book, something I don't have time for as a homeschooling Mama to 4!  I read tons of books during the day, but they revolve around what my children need and want to learn, not necessarily what I want to! I'm currently re-reading Jane Eyre and loving every minute of it!

Besides reading, I also got to start up this blog!  I've wanted to for a while - a place to record down our travels, our home renovations, our homeschooling days, special moments with the kids that I may remember for a while, but ultimately forget.  But I never had time to learn to set one up.  So God gave me a double blessing!  A new baby on the way and ample time to spend some time pursuing things I enjoy! 

So please pardon the blank look of my blog as I set things up.  :) 

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