Thursday, February 14, 2013

Keep the learning going on sick days

We're about a week into the bronchitis, and while the kids are feeling better, they aren't 100% just yet.  The prednisone and the nebulizer treatments just leave them feeling out of sorts.  So what do we do so that we aren't having a free for all during the week?

Well, the first day, we did absolutely nothing.  They laid in bed all day and did not move.  They couldn't even make it down the stairs without going into a coughing wheezing fit, so I brought the nebulizers to them.  They spent the day sleeping or "listening" to music or books on CD.   I use quotations because they were REALLY out of it.  I'm not sure how much absorbing of information they were doing that day! Ainsley worked on her independent work while the boys felt miserable.

Tuesday, we awoke to kids feeling miserable, but able to make it downstairs - so they were improving!!  Having 3 kids use the nebulizer 3 times a day takes about a half an hour each time - perfect for some educational videos.  So while the nebulizers run, the kids pick an episode of Newton's Workshop.  The kids love this show.  I love that it is entertaining for the kids, and yet teaches them science concepts in a very understandable way, and has a very strong biblical standpoint.

The cheapest place that I've found them is on Library and Educational Services.  You can buy them one disc at a time, or as a set.  We bought the set, and I'm so thankful that we did!  They've gotten a lot of use over the years!

We switched to a light schedule for the week, and I only had them accomplish things that could easily be done on the couch.  They were allowed to skip oral narrations for the day as well.  So Nathaniel read his science book - Wild Animals I Have Known.  We got it for free and put it on our Kindle.  We have used that Kindle more than I ever thought possible.  It has been a great investment for our homeschool.  He also read a chapter in his literature book - The Return of the King.  I let him skip math, even though it is very easily couch work.  Math takes a bit of brain power.  And brain power is lacking when you don't have enough oxygen in your body!!

Ainsley was feeling well that day, so I let her do all her independent work that she had scheduled on her light day schedule, which lucky for her was only math!  Since our family work is done as a family, when someone is sick, we skip family work for the day.

Wednesday, I awoke to the boys playing legos on the floor - a sure sign that they are well on the road to recovery!!  So in between Newton's Workshop episodes during nebulizer treatments, we did a full day's work from our light schedule.  We started our school day with prayer and scripture reading.  We skipped reading Jon Courson's Commentary on the day's reading since we were on a light schedule.  We read a small section of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends - a book we have all enjoyed.  The kids were happy to be reading this again.  We did history (we've been studying James Monroe), but I let everyone skip narrations since talking too much seems to trigger asthma attacks for Nathaniel.  I read aloud from 5 Little Peppers and How They Grew (once again -free on the Kindle!!).  Ainsley worked on her math for independent work, while Nathaniel worked on his spelling from his McGuffy's reader.  Usually, I have him read the story aloud before I quiz him on the words, but I let him read the story to himself this time.  I had him do half his math.  Usually we do 25 minutes worth of Ray's Arithmetic and his lesson on Since fractions would require too much brain power from someone feeling sick, I let him skip his Ray's lesson and only review his subtraction facts on XtraMath.  He ended the day curled up on the couch reading Return of the King.  I've made him promise to stick to only one chapter a day.  I'm pretty sure he'd read the whole thing in one sitting if I let him!!

Today, I felt they were well enough to venture out into the unusually warm day and do a little nature study.  We've been using Snow and Ice from the NaturExplorer series.  Since it was warm, and it had snowed recently, I sent them out to find snow that hadn't melted because of shadows and then journal about it.  They were outside for maybe 15 or so minutes, and the fresh air did them good.  They had a little more color in their skin after that.  We did a full day of family work, which included our Bible readings and Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, Nature Study and Literature.  Nathaniel worked on his science, xtra math, typing and a chapter from Return of the King.  Ainsley worked on her copywork, her beginning reading and assigned reading.

During this time, I've not done school with Ephraim or Felix.  We usually read a selected book several times over the course of the week along with using bits of Hands on Homeschooling. However this week, I've let them just relax and play legos, read books at their leisure, and watch movies.

So little by little, we've added a little more work on to each day, and supplemented with education videos and books on CD.  When I feel that the kids are able to keep up with a full day's workload, we'll switch back to our normal term schedule, but until then, we'll enjoy the relaxed pace!!!

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