Monday, February 25, 2013


We are finally healthy and looking forward to a normal week of school!  The last few weeks were filled with nebulizers and vomit buckets.

Time for another nebulizer treatment
And if the weren't taking it easy on the couch, sick in the bathroom, or having a breathing treatment, they would often be sleeping where ever they fell.

Sick, Sleepy Boy
By the end of last week, the kids were feeling much better.  Our local nature center was hosting an "Owl Moon Walk" over the weekend, and since the kids were feeling better, my husband took the 2 older kids to it.  The kids had a BLAST.  They were so happy they went.  The nature center had a local bird rescue come with an assortment of owls and give a presentation on the different types of owls.  They had a saw-whet owl, a great horned owl, a barn owl, a barred owl, a long eared owl, and a screech owl.
Saw-whet owl - Sorry for the blurry picture.  The hubby doesn't know how to work my camera!  :)
 Then they took small groups of kids on a walk through the woods to listen for the sounds of a great horned owl and a screech owl.  They taught the kids how to make the sound of the owls to see if they would answer.  When my kids went, no owl answered, but the group before them got to hear a great horned owl.  After the presentation and the walk through the woods, there was a camp fire with marshmallows to roast and hot chocolate to drink and someone reading the story Owl Moon.  I put a video link of the book below if you have never read it. 

I'll be looking for more extras put on by our nature center, because they did such a great job and the kids had such a great time!

To encourage the children's interest in owls and birds (we just finished participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count), I put a few links on their squidoo pages about owls and birds.  They've been enjoying exploring the different sites in their free time.

Birding by ear video:

All about birds: Owls

Bird Call Challenge - Can you identify the birds in your neighborhood?

The Language of Birds video: 

So, all in all, a fairly good week!  We're looking forward to what a week of healthy children will bring to our homeschool!!

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